AUSC Scholarships
Addison United Soccer Club is pleased to offer a scholarship program
to help families offset club fees. The Club has a limited number of scholarships available and the number of players receiving aid and the amount of the scholarship will vary depending on the funds available. Scholarships are funded by donations/contributions, sponsorships, and fundraising.
- 2019/2020 season – AU gave 3 scholarships = $1350. Board members donated $2950 of their stipends.
- 2018/2019 season – AU gave 12 scholarships = $5,364. Board members donated $1,250 of their stipends.
- 2017/2018 season – AU gave $1175 in scholarships
- 2016/2017 season – AU gave $1000 in scholarships
To request a scholarship, please contact the AUSC President: