Addison United Coaching Information

AUSC & VSA Contact Information

Parent or player issues

Please contact the AUSC Director of Coaching account ASAP

The AUSC Club Secretary will get you in touch with the appropriate coordinator as soon as possible.

Equipment questions

If you need equipment or have a field maintenance issue, please notify David Croke, AUSC Equipment Coordinator

Injuries & Concussions

Weather Guidance


Outdoor activity must be suspended when lightning is a maximum of six miles away. This is because lightning can strike up to six miles from the base of thunderstorms.

Follow the 30/30 Rule. Count the “flash-to-bang time.” If lightning is 30 seconds away, it is too close, and do not resume play for 30 minutes from the last seen flash or last heard thunder.

Please see the VSA Coaches Guide linked above for complete details.

Heat & Other Weather

AUSC staff will notify coaches when extreme weather conditions are expected, but please monitor your local conditions and follow VSA and US Soccer guidance on practice times during hot weather. Vermont is Cat 1.

AUSC Player Development Program

Target Max Roster Sizes for VSL & Tournaments
  • U8 — 8 players
  • U10 — 14 players
  • U12 — 16 players
  • U14 — 18 players
  • HS — 22 players

Game Information

Player Cards

2023 Update: The VSA is not issuing physical player passes this year. You will need to present referees with a current roster (See printing match sheets below)

Match Sheets / Rosters

Coaches are required to present passes and a copy of the team roster to the referee at the start of  a match.

How to get a PDF match sheet/roster:

  • Go to your GotSport Dashboard:
  • Click on Team Management from the top menu
  • Select your team from the list in the middle (if more than one)
  • In new pop-up, click Team Registration from the top menu
  • From the list select ‘Vermont Soccer League Spring 2022’
  • Click Schedule from the top menu
  • Click the Rosters button to the right of the match you wish to view
  • Click ‘Match Card’ in the top right corner OR click ‘Photo Match Card’ but note this will not list your referees
Club Passing Players

We are a small community and many of our soccer players are multi-sport athletes. To protect the health of our athletes, it is important that you try to have at least 3 subs for each game, so you do not run the risk of overuse especially if your players are carrying any kind of minor injury.

You can get players from other teams to Club Pass to your roster for games.

  • Club pass players can play within their age or the age group immediately above
  • U10 and U12 teams may Club Pass up to 3 club players
  • U14 thru U19 teams may Club Pass up to 4 club players

The process to club pass players is:

  • Requesting Coach A will reach out to Coach B from our club team in the same division, or one division below, do not reach out to the parents.
  • Coach A will specify the need i.e. positional, skill, strength, etc.
  • Coach B will decide which player they should offer the opportunity to
  • Coach A will contact CCing Coach B by midnight three days before game day (e.g., Thursday at midnight before a Sunday game) to confirm the players they need to add
  • A coaching committee member will confirm when done, and send Coach A an updated matchday roster PDF to print to present to their referee
Schedule Changes & Rescheduling Process

VSA league acceptable game rescheduling reasons:

  • ‘Unplayable’ field conditions
    Requires 24 hours advance notice to opposing coach, club, and the VSA. Only referees may cancel a game on the day of competition due to field conditions.
  • State Cup game conflicts
    Requires 7 days advance notice to opposing coach, club, and VSA.
  • Absence of a referee if both coaches don’t agree to an acceptable referee substitute, please also notify the club of any referee no-shows so we can inform the VSA.

AUSC club contact email for all rescheduling:


If your team would like to participate in any additional tournaments, please work with the Tournament Coordinator, Josh Romond

Home Field Locations 2023 (WIP)

Vermont Soccer Association (VSA) Links

Other Coaching Resources